Using student assessment data to better your school

Using student assessment data to better your school

Student assessment data holds the information necessary to promote success among schools and districts. Proliftic helps users learn how to use this data.

Data-driven strategies aren’t new concepts among school administrators. Many teachers already use student assessment data to inform instruction, but it’s just as important to utilize the same data at the grade, school, and even district level.

Making decisions at the school or district level requires an easy-to-use, cohesive, and coordinated system. Fortunately, Prolific’s student data management platform goes beyond aggregation to support administrators’ specific needs.

Organizing student data all in one place is the first step. Implementing the data to improve success calls for a thoughtful and actionable strategy guided by school administration. Here are a few elements to build off:

Teacher on laptop

Update MTSS processes and programs

Most schools have an MTSS program in place. In fact, using a data-driven strategy to provide students with the resources they need to succeed is part of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). However, frequent updates are necessary to keep the resources logical. This re-evaluation can work in tandem with annual assessments completed by each student in your school.

Educators benefit from optimized processes as well. An entire class failing an assessment is a valid indication that educators need more resources to assist student success. Giving educators the tools they need based on student assessment data sets the entire school up for success.

Set goals and benchmark success

Assessment data is one of the simplest ways to discover areas for improvement, set goals, and benchmark success. Student information systems like Proliftic uncover these areas for improvement from the student to the district level, so it isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach to improve a school as a whole.

Academic and instructional goal setting and success benchmarking are a common practice and skill among administrators. However, monitoring progress and implementing ongoing support for continuous improvement set apart schools with a culture of excellence.

Build upon learning gaps

Over the past few years alone, students have adapted to new forms of learning, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t learning gaps. A basic assessment to find out what students do or don’t know is a great way for administrators to identify what areas they need their educators to focus on.

When administration knows the areas students or educators are struggling in, the district can provide the resources and opportunities necessary to bridge that gap.

Proliftic has a commitment to ongoing support. The ability to track progress, receive feedback, and gain insights into your students, classes, grades, schools and districts all in one place sets users up for success. Schedule a brief demo of the Proliftic platform to learn how it can assist in improving your school this year.

We’re here to help drive student success.